MSU Denver student athletes taking nine (9) or more credit hours during the Fall or Spring semester (who are attempting to waive the University offered student health insurance plan) must be enrolled in a health insurance plan that includes the following minimum level of benefits as outlined below.
Important! Please be sure that the plan you are purchasing includes the following minimum level of benefits and that it includes coverage for any interscholastic, club, or intercollegiate sport, contest or competition.
MSU Denver Waiver Compliance Standards
Minimum level of benefits required for Waiver consideration:
1) Plan must have an “Individual Annual Deductible” of $5,000 or less; or
2) If a family deductible, the plan must have a “Family Only Deductible” of $10,000 or less;
3) Plan must be a “Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan” that includes all of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) required “Essential Health Benefits”.
Health insurance policies submitted to the University for waiver purposes must be in effect no later than September 3 for Fall semester and February 4 for Spring semester.
You can only renew an Individual Anthem Plan at this time if your current Individual Anthem Plan is currently in effect, or your Anthem plan must have terminated within the last 60 days.
To purchase a new Anthem Individual plan outside of the open enrollment period which is in December of every calendar year for a January 1 effective date, you must have had a “Qualifying Event”.
See below for examples of a Qualifying Event:
• Marriage, birth, adoption, and placement for foster care
• You lose affordable health insurance (known as minimum essential coverage)
• Your employer-provided coverage is no longer available
• You become a resident of Colorado
Please call ECI Services at 866-780-3824 (toll-free) with any questions.